28 May, 2007

Happy Birthday Kaden!

Kaden Lane Bader is the son of Corey and Amanda Bader. I can't believe he is 1 years old! My, my, do they grow up so fast. Hope you had a great birthday, little Kaden. :)

26 May, 2007

Robert's Birthday weekend!

Late Saturday afternoon, Robert and I headed to the Bay area. One of Robert, Scott, and Melissa's good friend, Papu, from Montana was flying into SF for the weekend. We were all going to meet up with him later that night. Scott had a friend who was throwing a house party and we were going to meet Papu there. Scott and Melissa took us to a very unique place to have dinner. There was like 6 restaurants in this alley. It was all lit up with strings of lights connecting from one building to the other. Most of the restaurants you eat outside. It was such a beautiful place and the food was so good. After dinner, we headed to the party and to see Papu!!
Robert, Scott, and Papu.
I love Melissa's "tough" face! Me, on the other hand, I must not have gotten the memo?! :)
Oh dear, breaking out the good ol' Al Bundy pose!!

Oh boy, can we say Taxi. Thank goodness Melissa kindly offered to be the DD that night.

Happy 29th Birthday Robert!

19 May, 2007

Scott and Melissa come to visit

Scott and Melissa came from the Bay area to hang out with us and to play our new Wii! I think that's the only reason why they came to see us. Use us for our games j/k :) :) Anyways, they came down Friday night and we played Wii for most of the evening.
Saturday morning, we all decided to take a hike. So Robert and I knew of a good hike to take not far from where we live. It was a hike to Clementine Dam. It was a nice easy hike and it is about a 2 to 3 hour hike. I think we all had a good time. Especially, Scott and Robert, disturbing the peace with Scott's slingshot. I bet you can just imagine those two aiming at all types of "targets" to hit. Melissa, what are we going to do with those two? After the hike, we all got ready and went to a sushi bar call ed Mikunis. From Mikunis we went to the bowling alley and bowled a couple of games and played some pool.

These last 4 pictures were taken at a different time when Robert and I just went on the hike. I want to show you Clementine Lake and the Dam. When Robert and I went to the Dam, the water was coming out of all the openings surrounding the dam. The picture of Robert (above) on the giant steps is when we went with Scott and Melissa and when Robert and I went by ourselves, Robert wouldn't have been able to climb on those steps because the water was coming through the openings. You can see the "giant " stairs on the right corner of this picture. This is where Robert was standing when we took the hike with Melissa and Scott.
Lake Clementine.

On your hike to the dam, you see a large beautiful bridge crossing the river.

In the words of the Hoover Dam Guide in Vegas Vacation starring Chevy Chase: "I am your dam guide, Arnie, please don't wander off the dam tour and please take all the dam pictures you want. Now are there any dam questions?" Robert loves to say "I am your dam tour guide, if you have any dam questions..." I think he says that every time when we talk about taking this hike :)

I am taking some facts out of a hiking book we have called San Francisco Bay Area Hikes. Lake Clementine is a 3.5 mile-long lake. Was formed when the 155-foot high dam was finished in 1939. The dam was built as a debris-catching device to protect bridges downstream.

06 May, 2007

A lazy Sunday in Tahoe

A weekend in May, Robert and I headed towards the mountains. It was such a beautiful drive with snowcaps on top of the mountains and everything was so green. We drove into South Lake Tahoe and did some shopping and after that we headed to Baldwin Beach. Robert thought he could take the challenge and take a dip in the water. Boy was he wrong! The water was freezing!! I could hardly stand in the lake for a couple of minutes.
The lake looked really colorful that day. You can kind of see in this picture the different blues.