29 November, 2006


This picture was taken from the Space Needle.

I was in Minneapolis towards the end of my trip from North Dakota. My plans were to fly out of Minneapolis Wednesday morning back to CA. That night, Monday, November 27th, we were going to have dinner with Robert's dad and step-mom. Robert and I were sitting at the hotel bar waiting for them to arrive. While we were waiting, Robert got a call from his mom. We found out that Robert's grandma was in bad condition with her health. She only had a couple of days to live.

So the next morning, Robert went to work to ask about taking time off to go to Seattle. His co-workers were so understanding about the whole situation. He got a flight to Seattle Thursday morning. Unfortunately, Robert's grandma passed away on Wednesday night.

We arrived in Seattle that afternoon. There was snow! I guess Seattle hardly ever gets snow. Robert and I said that the snow came from grandma. We took a Super Shuttle to grandma's place in Mill Creek. It was nice to see Robert's parents, Pam and Mark. His aunt, Nancy, and uncle, Richard. I just wished it wasn't a sad occasion that brought us all together.

Through the weekend, Robert and I helped with anything that we could do. Saturday night, Mark and Pam suggested that we should go to Seattle and do some sight seeing. I had never saw Seattle before, so that was such a nice gesture of them.

Sunday morning, Mark, Richard, Robert, and I all headed to Seattle. Robert went to college in Seattle his freshman year, so he knew of some spots to see. So our first stop was going to Pike's Place Market and the waterfront. There were all these cute little stores and restaurants there. After we got done going through all the cute little shops, we headed towards the waterfront, aka Puget sound.

Mark knew of a good place to pick up some tea. The below picture shows the cute alleys to these neat little shops. Robert and I were goofing around taking silly pictures. Here I caught Robert in the air.

After the tea shop, my "tour guys" decided that we should go to the Space Needle! We walked closed to 12 blocks to get there. It was a lot of fun walking and discovering the city.

My Tour Guides! Thanks again Mark, Richard, and Robert for the great memories in Seattle.

We finally made it to the Space Needle! We got our tickets and up we went!

Lake Union.

Once we got done seeing the beautiful views from the Space Needle, we took the light rail train back to the Farmer's Market.

So that concluded my tour in Seattle. What a beautiful city and I want to go back and hike around Mt. Rainier and someday, when I know how to sail :)...sail around Puget Sound.

These two pictures were taken over the Evergreen Point floating bridge on Highway 520. You can see Mt. Rainier in the above photo.

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